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Recipe cactus plants and one of the best steroids

Recent studies have confirmed the high phytoncidic active living, intact aloe plant.It can significantly reduce the number of bacteria in the room: 2-3 adults or 7-8 young bush improve air quality in the 20-meter living room at least 2 times.

When at home sick, you can enhance the healing effect by spraying cold aloe. To do this, 2-3 leaves are ground, pour water (not boiling!), Insist at least half an hour and this infusion moisten the air in the room in any way: using a nebulizer, hanging him on a battery cloth soaked in the infusion, etc.

For therapeutic purposes, use the lower leaves of aloe, removing them from the trunk only a slight turn to the left to the right.

aloe juice is used as a broad-spectrum stimulator. To cook it you need to have not just one but a few bushes of this plant to "plucking" leaves passed the least traumatic for the plant.
Recipe aloe extract according to the method of Academician Filatov.
* 500 grams of fresh aloe leaf (shot rotation, without damaging the plant stem) is wrapped in a thick black paper or foil so that the light does not penetrate inside.* Never wash or cut the leaves is not necessary.

* This bundle placed in the refrigerator and keep for 2 weeks at a temperature of 3 - 5 degrees.
* Next, take out, cut with a razor thorns, washed, and quickly scroll in a meat grinder.
* The resulting mass is mixed with 500 grams of good honey and 0.5 liters of wine "Cahors" (if the honey is solid, its pre-softened, putting the bank in hot water).
* All is well mixed and stored in a tightly closed glass jar in the refrigerator.
Take in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. spoon, drinking warm water. In winter it is recommended to everyone, regardless of age and health.

This drug helps in diseases of the digestive system and the respiratory system, improves vision and simply supports the weakened body.